
Automation Pitfalls: Avoiding 7 Common Mistakes

Do your marketing strategies need to be updated? Recently, on average 87% of businesses and companies are using marketing automation, and surprisingly they have increased their conversion by 40%. However, only 25% of the companies extract extensive use of marketing automation.

If you are here then we certainly understand that you must have been facing issues using marketing automation. Here in this blog, we have pointed out some common mistakes that most businesses make while using marketing automation

7 Mistakes That Business Owners Do While Applying Marketing Automation


1 – Dirty Data – In a survey of marketing automation 56% of Business professionals say that dirty data impacts a lot while implementing marketing automation. A successful implementation requires quality data. A business owner can lose their time and effort if they have dirty data as automation takes actions based on inaccurate data. Now, you may be what inaccurate data can be. It may be old information, that is, old contact information naming inconsistencies. 

A simple example of dirty data is an email list that has never been used or cleaned and it can be anything like disengaged users, duplicate addresses, or spam emails that threaten the integrity of your data. 

2 – Using Wrong Automation Tool – An X Dimension Report says that many marketers or businesses didn’t find the right tool for marketing automation. They find this a rock on their road to success. Particularly, many of the businesses that don’t rely on marketing automation tools say that they have suffered to find the right tool for their marketing automation matching the capabilities they need.

In addition, 60% of business owners say they don’t feel like using the marketing automation tool to their full potential.

So it’s not only like businesses struggling to find the right tool but they also suffer to use them. 

You can look for these features in marketing automation tools while searching for it

  • User-friendly Interface
  • Advanced Analytics & Reporting
  • Advanced Customer Support Tool
  • Integrations
  • Scalable Options

3 – Sales Team & Marketing Team Aren’t Aligned – The worst nightmare for the marketing team is that they aren’t aligned with the sales team. At the end of the day, digital marketing is designed to support sales and other aspects of businesses. The process that can benefit your alignment is automated email; it can fill a sales rep. Marketing Automation tools can enable sales reps to focus on converting leads instead of boring tasks.

4 – Lacking To Train Your Team – According to one report many professionals say that one of the biggest barriers to using a marketing automation tool is lacking to train the team on how to use an automation tool. It is worthless if your marketing team doesn’t know how to use a marketing automation tool.

Preparing training sessions will ensure that your key stakeholders know your automation tool capabilities. And also they will be aware of current workflows and understand the process to create new ones.

5 – Set & Forget – Set & Forgot means your attention is going somewhere else. Although automation does support the set & forget approach, the reality is different. Instead of focusing on results, you direct your attention to accessing performance and optimizing.

6 – You only stick to one type of automation strategy– This is one of the most significant types of traps that business owners fall into while implementing automation. They think once they implement automation tools they are done for everything. They don’t consider how their business could benefit from automation with strategy. 

The result is that they end up with lots of tools but no real digital marketing strategy and no way to actually use them all effectively together in ways that help build stronger relationships with their customers and create more value for them over time. 

7 – Your automation tool doesn’t integrate with your CRM – One of the biggest mistakes businesses make when implementing marketing automation is to use a CRM that doesn’t integrate with their automation software.

If your marketing automation tool doesn’t support your CRM, you will have to manually synchronize all of your data in order to get any value out of it. This can be extremely time-consuming and frustrating, especially if you have multiple accounts and campaigns.

When choosing marketing automation, make sure they support your preferred CRM solution and that they offer a solution that integrates easily with it.  

What Are The Challenges In Marketing Automation?


Marketing automation has become an essential tool in the arsenal of most marketers today. But for many businesses, it’s still not providing all the benefits they need.

There are many challenges to marketing automation that can prevent you from taking advantage of its full potential. These include:

Lack of a clear strategy: Marketing automation requires a strategy, but without one, it’s difficult to determine what content to produce and when. This is where planning comes in before creating any content, you need to know who your audience is, what actions they take, and where they go next. 

Lack of automation: The more steps involved in creating content or automating a process, the more likely it is that something will go wrong and the work will be delayed or even halted altogether. This can be especially problematic if you don’t have a dedicated team with expertise in each area required by your technology toolset (e.g., copywriting or web design). 

Poor onboarding: You need to get your customers used to using marketing automation tools before they start seeing any results from them (i.e., conversions). In other words, they need to be trained on how these tools work before they can be useful in achieving goals and outcomes. 


At the end of the day, you have to focus more on planning and ensuring that the marketing automation tool is known to your team and that your team is trained to use the automation tools. Rectify the challenges you face in marketing automation for the marketing strategies in 2023 to unblock the road to success. Secondly, the Xpert dimension has a team of professionals that you may need to kick out the stones in the path of your business. 

Enquire now to get the best advice from our experts.

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